Homecoming Week 2018

September 17, 2018

Happy Meme Monday Aiea! We hope you're all dressed up in your most funny and relatable memes. Monday was filled with lots of laughs, and funny memes, and tons of spirit!

September 18, 2018

Happy Tie-Dye Tuesday! Aiea was filled with so many colors that we could count. It was great to see that everyone had some terrific, tie-dyed fun in the sun!

September 19, 2018

Happy World of Color Wednesday Aiea! The spirit was electric. We're so glad that so many students from all grade levels dressed up and played the noon hour games.

September 20, 2018

Happy Tiki-Tiki Thursday! What a day! Everyone looked pretty cool today as they tackled on the wet Tiki-Wars and Tip the Tiki.

September 21, 2018

Happy Homecoming! Students lined the from the top of the hill all the way down to the front office. Everyone looked pretty snazzy representing their respective classes.
