Hiroshima Inokuchi High School Visitation 2015

Our sister school from Hiroshima Japan,  spends a day of international exchange, and of course the creating of fond memories and life time friendships.

Executive council gives Inokuchi High School a Na Alii Welcome.

Principal Kim Sanders Welcomes our Guests

Leo, Inokuchi Student Govt. Rep. & AHS SA President Ashley pose for a shot.

Juggling anyone?

Lets tour our school!
Spanish class students teach our visitors to make Ojo de dios (God's Eye).

AP Psychology class does interactive lab activities with our guests.

Award winning Inokuchi Chorus

Cool flag dance!
Inokuchi students got moves!

Aiea HS Hula class share our island traditional Hula.

Aiea got talent

Yes, Talented!

Aiea HS, finally wins a few!
