Career Fair in Aiea!

November 3, 2011 - On a special Thursday in November, Aiea held it's career fair! The career fair is only held once every 2 years, and so for the Freshmen and Sophomores, this was their first experience with the career fair. For the Juniors and Seniors, this would be their second career fair, and this familiarity with the event would allow them to choose the topic they would want to listen to carefully. With the arrival of many guest speakers, the students were allowed to go to a variety of different careers, whether it be involving mechanics, law, firefighting, engineering, video and media, and much more. Also in the gym, students were allowed to look at different colleges and military opportunities. As this was either their first or last career fair, students in all grade levels were able to enjoy themselves on this unique day. (Click on the images provided above to enlarge)


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