September 17, 2011: This school year is Aiea High School's 50th anniversary since it's opening in 1961. The AHS alumni association, AHS faculty and staff and kind-hearted individuals in the area worked to put together one of four big events going on throughout the school year to celebrate the school's 50th anniversary. Volunteers and chairpeople arrived at the school early that Saturday morning to set up for a day full of entertainment and activities for the AHS alumni. Aiea's current executive council participated by guiding and interacting with the alumni. Old classmates gathered and chatted in the school cafeteria for presentations, performances and a tour around the school years after their graduation classes. Clubs and classes presented their updated works like the graphics class, robotics club, smart board presentations, food service, creative dance, and visited our school's mini shop to purchase t-shirts, stickers and other items to remember the event. The day ran smoothly while the alumni reminisced about their high school memories.
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