August 5, 2011: Our annual welcome back assembly was held on August 5 in the school gym. After a summer of planning and preparation for the back to school events, the assembly went off without a hitch. The entire executive council met at the gym early that Friday morning to hang their gym class banners and prepare for the event. The theme for welcome back was Epic Movies, a broad topic allowing the councils to incorporate their creativity. The freshmen did a magical skit based on the famous Harry Potter series. The sophomores dressed up and played the parts of characters in Kung Fu Panda, putting their teamwork to the test. The juniors danced to the waves from Lilo and Stitch. The seniors gracefully spun, tiptoed and jumped around the stage as enchanted Disney Princesses. And lastly, student association whipped up a fearless Presentation as Jedis from the Star Wars. New teachers, faculty and staff were introduced and the students left the assembly with no doubt that it'll be a great year.
