November 30 - December 2, 2010: From November 30th to December 2nd, over 120 students from across the state gathered at the State Capitol for the 2010 Secondary Student Conference, where Central District sent 21 students as delegates this year, and Aiea High School sent ten (Devon Tenney, Brett Tanonaka, Gabrielle Fermahin, Sierra Callihan, Jamie Fujino, Kelli Matsuo, Jessica Matias, Justine Bolosan, Jazmin Fong and Karilynn Oi). Prior to the conference, delegates attended two Pre-Conferences in which they were trained in writing resolutions and formally debating on topics. Delegates wrote resolutions that recommended solutions to issues that mattered to them. They fell into five topics - State Concerns, Curricular Concerns, Co-Curricular Concerns, Staff/Faculty Concerns, and Environmental/Facilities Concerns. At the Conference, delegates were divided into these five issue groups and chose their top three. Then, five General Assemblies were conducted where all the delegates debated the resolutions, and ultimately voted seven resolutions to be sent to the Legislature and respective authorities. In the end, the conference was very successful and enjoyable for all delegates.
