October 13, 2010: Aiea High School's sister school, Inokuchi High School from Hiroshima, Japan traveled to Oahu from September 13 to the 16. The second day back from fall break, students from all Japanese 1, 2, 3 & 4 classes gathered in the school in gym in celebration of our schools' 10th sister school anniversary. As the Japanese high schoolers arrived, the AHS Japanese students greeted them and both audiences received entertainment. Aiea High Schools' Seaside Singers sang our newest version of the school alma mater, special performances were made and Mr. Avilla's hula class taught a group of Inokuchi students basic hula moves. AHS students met with their pen pals for the first time in person and made many new friends. Then, in the final 25 minutes of the assembly, a mini basketball game was held between both schools. (Click on the images provided above to enlarge)
