
Showing posts from September, 2015

Student Association News Letter for August & September 2015 Recap.


Senate Council in full effect

Senate Council for 2015 has officially started.  Each 3 period Student Senator is the key communicator in getting information out to students.  We often get important feed back from the student population as well. Senate Council is conducted by AHS Student Association Vice Presidents Perry (Speaking) and Sera. While SA Secretary (seated right)  studiously takes minutes.

Day 6 Game Day & Spirit Points

Senior SA Officers enjoy the moment.  Homecoming 2015 Court.  Smiles all around. Seniors tie for first with Juniors in Presentation and take first in Spirit and  Mini Float.  Congrats!

Day4:Awareness Wednesday...Wear something you support like Breast Cancer Pink!

Awareness Wednesday also gave students the opportunity to donate to non perishable food items to the Hawaii Food Bank. Students & faculty generously donated 70 lbs of food in just 15 minutes.  Monetary donations to various charitable causes were also welcomed.

Homecoming 2015 Day 3: Super Hero Tuesday & Current Spirit Point Standings

Nice Ladies Teenage…? Mutant Ninja Turtles Sensei Splinter and Leonardo?

Homecoming 2015 Day 2: Movie Star Monday & Spirit Point up date

Add caption Pink Ladies! Love it! Senior Class Advisor loves Micky Mouse Freshmen Class Advisor loves Star Wars Those Chipmunks are soo naughty! Let's play some games for spirit points! Admin Team got  Spirit... how about you? Oh! Ipman!