Executive Council Leadership Camp 2013-2014

Leadership camp is a fun way for your executive officers to bond and prep themselves for the great events that they will plan throughout the school year. Your officers get a better understanding of their roles and learn leadership skills that last a lifetime. Leadership camp is held in the library for a two-day and one night span at the beginning of summer break. This year’s executive leadership camp’s theme was Innovate, Integrate, Motivate . Your exec council innovated new ideas in order to make this year better than the previous ones. Also they made creative welcome back & homecoming themes for this year. They integrated by doing fun skits, icebreakers and discussions in order to bond and become comfortable around one another. Another way they integrated is by getting to see each class’ opinions and stances when they held a healthy debate over the new homecoming theme. Lastly all new and old officers were motivated to make a difference in their own classes and commu...